Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finding Community...

This past weekend I had the privilege of participating for the 3rd year in the King David Christian Conservatory annual worship concert.  It's a chance to use dance performance for ministry and this year's show was amazing.  Every year it just keeps getting better and this year was no exception.  Inevitably the day after the shows are over there is a bit of the performance blues.  Spending a weekend being able to do the 2 things I'm the most passionate about: ministry and dance makes it hard to settle back into the normal day to day routine.

This year I was reflecting back on the season and was struck at how much I had found a sense of community within the dance studio.  I felt as though we were a tight knit group.  There has always been a sense of family but for me that family atmosphere increased.  The directors, Sal and Barb, becoming not only mentors but like second parents for me, the other students becoming like sisters and the younger kids becoming like my younger siblings I found myself in the midst of a community that I didn't expect.  I've watched a group of people share life together.  Sharing the ups and downs of life, praying for each other, encouraging one another, sharing the same passion, laughing, crying and creating memories.  I've seen how this studio has become a safe place for many.  For me personally, living hundreds of miles from my family to pursue the call of God is hard.  To find community is so important to me and God brought the most amazing people into my life.  They keep me going when I want to give up.  They encourage me to keep pursuing my dreams.  They keep me laughing.  It's beyond just learning how to do a plie or a double pirouette.  The technical aspect is there but it's also a community and what the Body of Christ is all about.

As I've have watched and experienced this God has opened up the vision in my heart for the creative arts centers I want to open in Israel one day.  I pray that I can create the same type of place.  A place for kids and young people to come where they have a safe place if they need it.  The arts has a way of drawing people in but has the potential to become much more than a place to learn a craft if the right atmosphere is created.  I pray that with God's help I can create the same type of atmosphere where I can love on the people, create a safe place, and a strong sense of community.  I certainly don't have any answers to the issues in the Middle East but what I can do is love the people.  Onward.

Humor for a moment as I brag on this studio.  If you are in the Charlotte area I highly recommend King David Christian Conservatory if you or your kids are interested in dance classes or piano lessons.  For more info visit

 Advanced Class prank :-)
 Advanced Jazz just before going on stage
 We are family!
Best directors ever