Monday, January 1, 2018

Afraid to Hope....

I had this crazy thought today as I was sitting in a coffee shop journaling.  At the start of a new year, many people usually have high hopes and goals.  That's usually me.  However, New Years Eve and New Years was tough for me this time around.  I was in a great place to ring in the New Year.  It just wasn't what I was hoping for.  And I've been fighting for any ounce of hope I can find over the last couple of months...

So today as I was reflecting back on the last 24 hours and the last year, I had the crazy thought... I'm afraid to hope.  This sounded totally ludicrous to me.  It was so out of character I wanted to have an inner dialogue about it to talk myself into how silly this thought is.... how I shouldn't have this thought.  Only, trying to talk myself out of feeling how I feel doesn't usually work.  What works for me, and I suspect much more of us if we will only admit it to ourselves, is to face the feeling.  Face it in all of its ugliness.  Face it in all of its pain.  Face it in all of its untruth.  How do I face it?  I allow myself to feel it.  Then I take it to the Lord.  Eventually, I work through it.  It has taken courage to walk through this process in this way.  Not only is it just plain painful to the core but it means allowing others to see what a hot mess you really are.  None of it is fun.  But all of it somehow seems necessary.  Thank God for those people in my life who have been more than understanding of this season and stood by my side to help walk me through it.

Why am I scared to hope?  Have you ever spent so much time hoping for something that after a long while of not seeing it you are totally worn out?  I am right in the middle of this.  I'm 35 and there are certain things I had envisioned for my life that I thought would have happened by now.  They haven't.  Ever been there?  It's disappointing, right?  These are desires I've brought before the Lord countless times.  They are even desires I've asked Him to take away from me if it isn't His will in an attempt to not be afraid of hoping they will eventually happen.  And yet, the desires remain.

So I start asking the typical questions... Am I putting my hope in the "things" and not in the Lord?  I don't think so.  I know that for these things to transpire in my life I need His help and His guidance.  So I keep looking to Him.  I also believe that these are God given desires.  It's a hard question to ask myself but one I needed to ask myself.

Why am I afraid of hope?  Hope deferred makes the heart sick. This seems like the total opposite reaction I should be having to hope.  Only there's this one word that is wrapped up in this whole "hope" thing and that is "risk."  Hope feels like a risk right now.  Risk is not something I'm too keen on at the moment.  I'm typically the person who isn't afraid of taking a risk and my life choices have proven that many times over.  I may not be able to count the number of people who have thought I was crazy for doing many of the things I've done -- like moving to a new state or country 5 different times.  I have taken the risks in the past because I wasn't afraid of the risk with the hope that God would work out the details I didn't have worked out when I moved.  And He always did.  But when you are afraid to hope, that is a whole new level of broken down I have not experienced and risk is certainly not territory I am going to just run into with abandon.

I know that this post seems like a real downer!  Wow Christina... you really are a hot mess.  Thanks.  I know.  But in the midst of my mess, God has still been injecting glimmers of hope into my life.  They are small and in doses I can handle.  As I continually bring him my mess -- because right now it's all I have to offer -- He gives me a small tidbit of hope.  It comes in the way of a Scripture, or an encouraging word from a friend, or a gesture from someone that has considered me and my feelings.  It's the text from a friend at just the right moment.  It's a phone call from a friend to check on me.  It's gentle.

I know that eventually I will hope again.  Hope will not seem scary.  And once I have walked through this valley my hope will be stronger than it has ever been in my life thus far.  I will have learned a lot as a result.  Until then... I get up everyday and bring my weak "yes" to the Lord once again.  I keep inching forward even when it seems like I've done nothing but move backwards.  All in the hopes that nothing I'm currently facing will go to waste and that someone else will get through it having seen my scars.

Here's a link to an early David Crowder song that is honest and means more to me now than it ever did when I first heard it in Bible college: All I Can Say

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